Welcome to KC Church

A non-denominational community of faith that welcomes everyone, whoever you are and however you got here. We are people of all races, sexual orientation, gender identity and religious and political backgrounds.


Sunday Worship Services at 10 am.
Also available live on Zoom and later on Facebook.

We use the Narrative Lectionary. Use this link to view the weekly Scripture readings.

You can help those in need by donating to KC!
20% of your donation goes to local, state, national and global charities!

Rev. Claire Matheny is our Enabling Minister.

2024 Sermons

Our Sacred Garden awaits you. We invite you to come sit, pray and explore the wonders of nature.

Take time to walk our Labyrinth. Experience the serenity and transformative power of this healing journey.
Enjoy the wonders of nature in our Sacred Garden!

5410 Leaf Treader Way
Columbia, MD 21044
(410) 730-4855

Find us on:

President of KC Council, Annora Bailey
Treasurer for Council, Dale Fixsen

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