
At Kittamaqundi Community Church, you'll find an atmosphere that's casual and friendly. 

At the Carriage House, you'll discover a worship experience that is, in many ways, different from the traditional. Our services are planned by volunteers in a Worship Task Group, with the guidance of our Enabling Minister.

Worship services feature a time of "Community Response," when anyone who'd like to speak is encouraged to do so.

You and your family are invited to worship with us as part of Kittamaqundi Community.

 If you can't be here in person, join our growing online community on ZOOM.

But, wait! Worship doesn't just happen inside the Carriage House! 


Kittamaqundi Community Church created a Sacred Garden in the backyard of the Carriage House. It is a place where anyone may come to sit, meditate, pray and enjoy the beautiful surroundings.

The Memorial section of the garden has a rock waterfall surrounded by many native plants and bushes. This peaceful setting honors members and friends of the church who have passed away.

And our special addition - a labyrinth that invites you to come, walk in silence, and meditate in peacefulness as you journey to the center and back out again.

In another part of our garden is a secluded pond and statue honoring Libby Rouse, a true visionary of our church and of the town of Columbia itself.

And there is a wooden pergola, where special events like weddings and concerts are held, surrounded by lush greenery, hidden pathways and benches for sitting.

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