Frequently Asked Questions

Our Policies and Procedures MANUAL

We are incorporated as The Kittamaqundi Community, Inc. and we are also known as KC Church and Kittamaqundi Community Church, which is the title we use on the sign outside of our building, which is called The Carriage House.

What does KC stand for?

“Kittamaqundi Community” is a mouthful, and really hard to spell, so you’ll often hear us calling ourselves KC.

What is a Call-Based community?

This term has a couple of meanings:

  • We have no doctrine or creed requirement. People join with us because they feel called to our practices of spiritual development and service.
  • Any member of KC who feels called may institute an activity or practice within the community as long as it is within our stated mission.
What are KC’s Basic practices?

Formal Members must commit to five commitments. People who do not wish to be formal Members are also encouraged to develop and act on these practices:

  • Prayer
  • Worship
  • Study
  • Serving others
  • Giving
What do you mean by “inward” and “outward” journeys?

The Community exists to support every single participant in her/his own spiritual development and in serving others.

What is a spiritual journey?

Everyone comes to KC with their own spiritual histories, traditions and practices, including none at all. Everyone grows and changes. We include everyone where they are, welcome change to encourage folks’ spiritual development here, seek to encourage and deepen their journeys, and seek to learn from each other.

What is a CARE group?

Small groups that meet (now online) once or twice a month for spiritual support. Each CARE group has its own additional focus, such as serving others, studying the many approaches to God, and examining basic practices.

What are focus groups?

A group called to work toward a specific end, be it repairing homes following a disaster, creating and maintaining the Sacred Garden, sponsoring and supporting a refugee family, increasing the diversity and inclusion of our community, or whatever God calls it to do.

What is a worship task group?

A small group of people who, with the Enabling Minister, design worship each month. They get together, read relevant scripture, try to make sense of it, and bring in their own experiences, resources, and ideas.

Why do you call your pastor an “enabling Minister”?

Our pastor’s job is to enable individuals, groups and the community on their journeys toward personal and corporate spiritual development and outreach to the world.

How can I get involved?

One way is to email the church at [email protected], or attend our Worship Services. Find us here each Sunday at 10 am, or on Zoom (see the Worship page).

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